Part number KL-332 Quart Price----$ 10.66 each *
Part number KL-333 Gallon Price---$ 40.83 each *
KL-333 Bulk Gallon Price---$ 37.50 w/your container - add $ 1.50 per gallon
with our container ***
Part number KL-333-55G 55 Gallon Drum Price- $ 1,450.00 *
Part number KL-306 Quart Price----$ 10.66 each *
Part number KL-307 Gallon Price---$ 40.83 each *
Free- Gear KE-990 Price----$15.58 quart each *
Flex Drive 30 KL-506 Price----$12.95 quart each *

Part number KL-104 Quart Price----$ 13.33 each *
Part number KL-105 Gallon Price---$ 51.66 each *
We stock a full line of Klotz products including
0WT Racing Oil - $11.95 Qt.*
0W5 Racing Oil - $ 11.95 Qt.*
0W20 Racing Oil - $ 11.95 Qt.*
5W20 Racing Oil - $ 11.95 Qt.*
5W30 Racing Oil - $ 11.95 Qt.*
Racing Oil - $ 11.95 Qt.*
Racing Oil - $ 11.95 Qt.*
Racing Oil - $ 11.95 Qt.*
20W50 American V-Twin Oil - $ 12.68 Qt.*
10W30 MX4 Oil - $ 12.32 Qt.*
75W140 American V-Twin Trans Gear Lube - $ 16.30 Qt.*
Octane Booster & Fuel Injector
Cleaner - $ 10.95 can*
Nitro Power Additive
- $ 16.30 can*
COXOC (CO-ZOC) Power Additive
(COXOC is pickup only, no shipping)* plus shipping & handling--prices are for case quantities
10 quarts or cans in case - 4 gallons in case
*** no shipping gallons of bulk oil
Click here for order form
Email: Glenn Reynolds
Reynolds Racing and Marine, Inc.
1019 South Roane Street
Harriman, TN 37748
(865)882-9623--fax (865)882-6010
Ask for Glenn